Real-Time Tracking Protocol - Motion


RTTrPM is the protocol that is used to stream to third party listeners that are interested in the position and orientation of a tracking point, relative to the origin of the coordinate system (as defined by the user). The RTTrPM protocol should be sent at a fixed rate. However, if there is no motion data available, then RTTrPM should stop sending (unless a form of heartbeat is implemented).

Data Structures

Each packet is comprised of the RTTrP header and if tracking information is available, should contain at least one Trackable module. Each Trackable module should contain a number of sub-modules each of which contain specific types of information about a tracked object or point, including:

  • Centroid Position (X, Y, Z co-ordinates)
  • Individual Tracked point position (X, Y, Z co-ordinates)
  • Orientation in Euler (X, Y, Z rotation) or Quaternion format (X, Y, Z Q)

General Information

RTTrPM packets should always be sent at an implementation specific fixed rate. In some scenarios, it is possible to implement a heart beat mechanism by sending RTTrPM packets which contain just an empty RTTrP packet, with an RTTrPM signature.

Versions and Backwards Compatibility

A protocol version number is included in the RTTrP packet header. Users of previous versions of the protocol should always check the “type” field of modules, and ignore new or unrecognized module types. There can be multiple levels of modules within modules and the order of module types within a module is not guaranteed.

The current RTTrPM version is, however some previous versions have different modules available, but the same overall packet structure. The differences between legacy versions of the protocol are as follows:

  • Version Zone Collision Detection module was re-designed to include Sub-Modules and removed the delimitation. The method of sending Zones is no longer supported.

  • Version Zone Collision Detection module was added. All prior versions do not have this module present.

  • Version A heartbeat was added to allow the header to always be sent, so long as timestamps are present in the sending system

  • Version First addition of LED and Centroid Acceleration and Velocity. All prior versions do not have these modules present


The RTTrP Repository has stub code available which contains packet definitions of RTTrPM. Please visit the following for Python and C++ code respectively:

Modules and Packet Structure

Packet Modules

Enumerated Type Value
Trackable (without Timestamp) 0x01
Trackable (with Timestamp) 0x51
Centroid Position 0x02
Orientation (Quaternion) 0x03
Orientation (Euler) 0x04
Tracked Point Position 0x06
Centroid Acceleration and Velocity 0x20
Tracked Point Acceleration and Velocity 0x21
Zone Collision Detection 0x22

Real-Time Tracking Protocol (RTTrP) Header

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Header / Integer Signature UInt16 2 Big Endian: 0x4154, Little Endian: 0x5441
1 Header / Float Signature UInt16 2 Big Endian: 0x4334, Little Endian: 0x3443
2 Header Version UInt16 2 Value = 0x0002, will increase if header changes
3 Packet ID UInt32 4 Packet sequence number
4 Packet Format UInt8 1 Value = 0x00 (Raw), 0x01 (Protobuf), 0x02 (Thrift)
5 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet in bytes including header
6 Context UInt32 4 User definable
7 Number of Packet Modules UInt8 1
8 Packet Module 0 Packet Module Variable
9 Packet Module 1 Packet Module Variable
... ...

For more in-depth details on the RTTrP packet header see RTTrP.

Packet Module - Trackable (without Timestamp)

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x01
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size
2 Name UInt8 1 Length of Trackable Name
3 Name UTF8 Variable Trackable Name
4 Number of Packet Modules UInt8 1 Total number of sub-modules
5 Packet Module 0 Packet Module Variable
6 Packet Module 1 Packet Module Variable
... ...

Packet Module - Trackable (with Timestamp)

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x51
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size
2 Name UInt8 1 Length of Trackable Name
3 Name UTF8 Variable Length is equal to Trackable Name Length
4 Timestamp UInt32 4 Sequence number (Frame ID)
5 Number of Packet Modules UInt8 1 Total number of sub-modules
6 Packet Module 0 Packet Module Variable
7 Packet Module 1 Packet Module Variable
... ...

Packet Module - Centroid Position

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x02
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size = 29 (0x1D)
2 Latency UInt16 2 Approximate time in milliseconds since last measurement, if equal to 0xFFFF, overflow
3 X Double 8 Position of the X coordinate
4 Y Double 8 Position of the Y coordinate
5 Z Double 8 Position of the Z coordinate

Packet Module - Tracked Point Position

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x06
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size = 30 (0x1E)
2 Latency UInt16 2 Approximate time in milliseconds since last measurement, if equal to 0xFFFF, overflow
3 X Double 8 Position of the X coordinate
4 Y Double 8 Position of the Y coordinate
5 Z Double 8 Position of the Z coordinate
6 Index UInt8 1 Tracked Point Index (0x00, 0x01, 0x02 etc.)

NOTE: When outputting Tracked Point position/acceleration/velocity, there is a single module for each point

Packet Module - Orientation (Quaternion)

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x03
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size = 37
2 Latency UInt16 2 Approximate time in milliseconds since last measurement, if equal to 0xFFFF, overflow
3 Qx Double 8 X component of tracked object using quaternions
4 Qy Double 8 Y component of tracked object using quaternions
5 Qz Double 8 Z component of tracked object using quaternions
6 Qw Double 8 Complex component of tracked object using quaternions

Packet Module - Orientation (Euler)

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x04
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including type and size = 31
2 Latency UInt16 2 Approximate time in milliseconds since last measurement, if equal to 0xFFFF, overflow
3 Order UInt16 2 Value = see order table below
4 R1 Double 8 Rotation in Rad along first axis
5 R2 Double 8 Rotation in Rad along second axis
6 R3 Double 8 Rotation in Rad along third axis

For a list of Euler Angle Order values, please see Euler Order

Packet Module - Centroid Acceleration and Velocity

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x20
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including the type and size
2 X Double 8 Position of the X coordinate
3 Y Double 8 Position of the Y coordinate
4 Z Double 8 Position of the Z coordinate
5 Acceleration X Float 4 Calculated centroid acceleration in the X direction
6 Acceleration Y Float 4 Calculated centroid acceleration in the Y direction
7 Acceleration Z Float 4 Calculated centroid acceleration in the Z direction
8 Velocity X Float 4 Calculated centroid velocity in the X direction
9 Velocity Y Float 4 Calculated centroid velocity in the Y direction
10 Velocity Z Float 4 Calculated centroid velocity in the Z direction

Packet Module - Tracked Point Acceleration and Velocity

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x21
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including the type and size
2 X Double 8 Position of the X coordinate
3 Y Double 8 Position of the Y coordinate
4 Z Double 8 Position of the Z coordinate
5 Acceleration X Float 4 Calculated tracked point acceleration in the X direction
6 Acceleration Y Float 4 Calculated tracked point acceleration in the Y direction
7 Acceleration Z Float 4 Calculated tracked point acceleration in the Z direction
8 Velocity X Float 4 Calculated tracked point velocity in the X direction
9 Velocity Y Float 4 Calculated tracked point velocity in the Y direction
10 Velocity Z Float 4 Calculated tracked point velocity in the Z direction
11 Index UInt8 1 Tracked Point Index (0x00, 0x01, 0x02 etc.)

Packet Module - Zone Collision Detection

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Type UInt8 1 Value = 0x22
1 Size UInt16 2 Size of packet module including the type and size
2 Number of Zones UInt8 1 Total number of Zones Sub-Modules included in this packet
3 Zone Sub-Module 1 Zone Sub-Module Variable When present, Trackable is colliding with the Zone object defined in the Zone Sub-Module
4 Zone Sub-Module 2 Zone Sub-Module Variable When present, Trackable is colliding with the Zone object defined in the Zone Sub-Module
... ...

Zone Sub-Module - Zone Object

Field Name Type Size (bytes) Description
0 Size Uint8 1 Size of the Sub-Module including the name and size
1 Length Uint8 1 Length of the Zone Name
2 Zone Name UTF8 Variable The name of the Zone itself